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01 - 25
26 - 50
51 - 75
76Learning to Swim
77Learning to Play Baseball
78The Fast Race
79A Ride to the Park
80A Day at the Movies
81The Dinner Party Surprise
82A Day at the Amusement Park
83The Dance Class
84A Trip to the Supermarket
85A New Friend at the Park
86A Guitar Lesson
87Discovering Spyware
88Writing a Get-Well Card
89The Shaky Surprise
90The Surprising Phone Bill
91Fun in the Sun
92The Exciting Plane Ride
93A Happy Family Reunion
94A Special Day for Mom
95A Father's Day Surprise
96The Magic Security Camera
97A Day of Fishing Fun
98Weekends at Grandma's
99Sandra's Chopstick Adventure
100A Fair Meal at the Restaurant