3. Classes Taken for Transfer


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A: What classes have you taken so far?

B: I've been working on my GE classes.

A: Is that all?

B: That's it for right now.

A: What about your other classes?

B: I'm working towards transferring schools.

A: Which classes have you finished already?

B: I've finished all my English and math classes.

A: How many classes do you have left for your GE?

B: Only three.

A: That's amazing.

B: I'm almost ready to transfer.


ESL Robot 4.0 (Android Version) & (iOS Version) - an AI-powered English tutor, is now free. Hurry up!

A: Which classes have you completed?

B: I have been taking classes for my General Education.

A: Those are the only classes?

B: That's all I need to take right now.

A: Why don't you take any other classes?

B: I'm just working on transferring right now.

A: What classes are you done with?

B: I'm done with all my math and English classes.

A: How many more classes do you need to finish for your GE?

B: I have three more.

A: That's great!

B: I just need three more classes, and I can transfer.


ESL Robot 4.0 (Android Version) & (iOS Version) - an AI-powered English tutor, is now free. Hurry up!

A: What classes have you been taking?

B: I've been taking my GE classes.

A: That's it?

B: That's all that I need right now.

A: Why haven't you been taking any other classes?

B: I'm taking classes so that I can transfer soon.

A: What classes have you taken so far?

B: I don't need to take any more English or math classes.

A: How many GE classes do you have left?

B: I have about three left.

A: Good job!

B: Yeah. I'm just about ready to transfer.

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