344Billie Jean King: An Advocate of Equal Rights for Women
345Madonna: A Musical Legend
346Neil Armstrong: The Man who Walked on the Moon
347Mark Twain: A Great American Author
348Christopher Reeve: A Real-Life Superman
349Richard M. Nixon: A Presidency Lost
350Clint Eastwood: A Filmmaker Like No Other
351Michael Moore: Exposing the Truth
352Bill Maher: Mr. Liberal
353Cesar Chavez: The Voice of Equality
354Hugh Hefner: The Greatest Playboy
355Tom Hanks: A Great American Actor
356Johnny Carson: The Late Night King of TV
357Helen Keller: Overcoming Disability
358Elvis Presley: The King of Rock 'n' Roll
359Frederick Douglass: From Slave to Emancipator
360Audie Murphy: An American War Hero
361Jonas Salk: The Man who Cured the World
362Chuck Yeager: Faster than the Speed of Sound
363Steve Jobs: The Man and His Apple Computers
364Meg Whitman: CEO and Political Hopeful
365Mark Zuckerberg: The Social Revolutionist