39. Jerry Springer: The Man Behind the Show

Perhaps no other name in daytime variety shows out more emotion than Jerry Springer. Springer has a talk show host for several years on show that bears his name, the Jerry Springer . His show is described as a tabloid talk because of the controversial subjects covered, and because the people who appear on the show. Springer not invite celebrities to his show. Instead, he to showcase regular Americans from all walks of . He is a former politician who served one as mayor of the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, the 1970s.

His show debuted in 1991 as politically themed talk show, where he invited celebrities as Oliver North, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson. show was designed to mimic another popular daytime show, the Phil Donahue show. The show found success, but in 1994, in order to boost , the show transitioned to a more sensational format. this new format, everyday people were confronted by members, and friends, about controversial subjects.

The show been highly-rated for decades now, but has also under fire from many groups who claim the are not appropriate for daytime television. Springer does shy away from any subject. Guests are confronted subjects such as adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, and hate membership. Often, these confrontations become violent, where guests in physical confrontations. The Springer show has spawned copycat shows over the years, but it still -rates every other show of its kind.

In May 2000, a female guest on the Springer show murdered by her ex-husband after viewing the episode. , his producer, and the network were sued by woman's children. The suit alleged that the controversial of the show led to the murder. Eventually , the suit was dropped.