99. Surprising 18th Birthday Celebration
Gap-fill exercise
On the morning of her 18th birthday, Katherine
to a quiet house. She tiptoed downstairs, but
only a note on the kitchen table. "Your
begins at the place you love most. Head
the place where we've celebrated every milestone. -
and Dad." Katherine's heart raced with excitement as
dashed to the family's favorite cafe.
The cafe
, Mr. Lopez, presented her with a note: "Where
stars meet the sea, your surprise awaits." Katherine
instantly it meant the cliffside overlooking the ocean,
she had spent countless evenings stargazing. Reaching the
, Katherine gasped. Her friends and family emerged from
hiding spots, shouting, "Surprise!" Balloons and streamers adorned
area; a banner read, "Welcome to Adulthood, Katherine!"
parents hugged her, eyes glistening with pride.
sun set, painting the sky in hues of
and pink, Katherine realized the true gift wasn't
surprise party; it was the love of those
her. Embracing her new chapter, she made a
, blew out her candles, and stepped into adulthood
by love.