79. Mary, Tom, and Buddy (1)

Mary was a girl with long brown hair pretty eyes. Every evening she would take her out for a walk. Mary's dog was a . She had named him Buddy because he was friendly to everybody he met. Buddy never barked bit anyone when Mary took him out on walks. Buddy did not even flinch at the of cats and other dogs. He truly was buddy to all.

One night, as Mary was Buddy, something unexpected occurred. For the first time his life, Buddy became aggravated. "What's the matter, ?" Mary asked. Buddy replied only in barks, as he was trying to communicate back. All of sudden, the wind grew still and the air cold. Mary decided to turn around and head home. But before she could, a raspy voice out her name. Mary right away turned around yelled, "Who's there?" Buddy had stopped barking.

A stepped forward from the shadows and slowly revealed identity. "Tom, is that you?" Mary asked the boy, who was now in plain sight. Tom looking down at the floor with his hand his pockets. "What are you doing, Tom? Have been following me?" Mary asked, slightly confused. Tom there embarrassed and slowly started talking. "I'm sorry snuck up on you. I didn't mean to you," Tom first said. Mary could tell that was nervous. She also knew of the feelings had for her.

"It's not safe for someone you to be walking at night all alone," said. "I'm not alone. I have Buddy," Mary . "You should have somebody accompanying you and Buddy nights like these," said Tom. "Would you like tag along, Tom?" Mary asked. Tom was too to answer. He had been waiting for this to happen.