1. If you don't have a car in Los Angeles, then you are ____________.
- okay, most people don't have a car in Los Angeles
- at a great inconvenience
- admired
- given a bus pass
2. Who did Mario go with to the car dealer?
- his dad
- his mom
- his friend
- himself
3. When talking to a car salesman, you should never ____________.
- tell him that you're undecided
- reveal how much you're willing to spend
- let him know you're interested in a car that you want to buy
- let him take you out for a test drive
4. How did Mario's dad react to the price of the new car?
- he thought it was a great deal
- he was furious and demanded Mario to take it back
- he was understanding
- he was shocked at how much money Mario spent
5. Who ripped off Mario's dad when he bought his first car?
- the same dealer who ripped off his son
- Sam Goodwell
- it is unstated in the story
- Kit Chun