332. Thomas Jefferson: An American Patriot

There was a time on this land when United States of America did not exist. Prior the 1770s, the region was largely Indian country the exception of 13 British colonies in the part of the country. These colonies were known the American Colonies, and were under British rule. 13 colonies were a loosely connected group of states that were governed by the Continental Congress. congress had been at odds against the British several years, primarily because of the taxes that being levied by their Parliament.

In 1775, after year of war between the American colonies and , the colonists decided it was time to become . The English Parliament had issued two unpopular taxes, were imposed to help support the British after end of the Seven Years War. The colonists Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence that since the colonies had no voice in 's matters, they should not be taxed.

The declaration drafted by Jefferson on July 2, 1776, and approved by the Continental Congress on July 4th. , July 4th is celebrated in the United States the day of independence from British rule. The features what has been called the most famous in the English language. It reads: "We hold truths to be self-evident, that all men are equal, that they are endowed by their Creator certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, and the pursuit of Happiness." These words were to represent the moral and ethical standards the country was meant to follow. It is a written document, and it stands for all that country tries to be.