219. Need to Learn How to Drive

Meryl was a little embarrassed to admit it. was 37 years old, and didn't know how drive. When she lived in Queens, it wasn't a big deal. Everything that she needed was by. The supermarket was one block away. She take her shopping cart and get what she for the week easily. When she didn't feel dragging the shopping cart, the supermarket even delivered free. All she had to do was tip driver. She would use that same shopping cart take clothes to and from the Laundromat, which only a block away. While Meryl's job was a block away, the subway station was. Every she would walk the block to catch a -minute underground train ride to work. She repeated the in reverse to return home in the evenings.

sure was different, though. The walk from Meryl's to the supermarket was nearly a mile. She 't feel like walking that long a distance while shopping cart full of a week's worth of . The laundromat was a mile in the other . She wasn't going to push her dirty clothes that many streets. There were no trains nearby take her to work, just buses. The buses took a long time to come. For the few weeks, Meryl was always late everywhere. Sometimes she had an urgent appointment, Meryl would ask to give her a ride somewhere. Almost all her friends had cars and knew how to . Most of them learned it when they were high school.

After a while, her friends were of giving Meryl rides everywhere. "You need to how to drive, Meryl," they told her. She they were right, but Meryl was scared.