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183. After the Death of a Music Collector
It was a stupid mistake. Before I tell
about my mistake, I have to tell you
my father. My father Joseph Thomas was a
name in the music business. He managed a
of different rock bands in the '60s. By
end of his career, he had saved up
money and decided to buy himself a cabin
a little town in Oregon. He didn't want
live in Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago,
any other big cities. He wanted to escape
big city life.
My father died in that
three years ago. I found out about his
in the cabin a week after he died.
never really liked to answer his cell phone.
would always be on low battery, or off.
never bothered to charge it. He simply liked
to his records and drinking whiskey.
During his
in the music industry, my father had collected
objects. He had different items from different artists.
had one of Jimi Hendrix's guitars, and a
that Janis Joplin had given him. Did I
this? No, I didn't. My dad always kept
himself. He was out on the road a
, and he never really cared about keeping in
with his kids. So, when he died, I
all of his stuff at the cabin would
garbage. I told the town's Sheriff to throw
out. I also told him to send me
paperwork for the cabin. I read about the
they made in my father's cabin. I couldn't
it! Hendrix's guitar sold for over a million
, and so did the medallion. As I had
asked the Shariff to throw out everything as
, I wasn't entitled to anything, which probably made
father happy.