160. Leaving a Tip

Sharon and Ken just finished a wonderful meal a fancy restaurant. The service and food were -star quality. Ken asked for the check. "How much the tip?" Sharon asked. Since she and Ken just friends, she didn't want him to pay the whole meal, but since Ken did invite , she assumed he was paying. Sharon thought that to put in the tip was a nice . The tip was not going to be cheap. meal, complete with a bottle of wine, must been at least $200. $30 would be 15 of a $200 bill, and $40 would be percent of a $200 check. Since the service good, Sharon had no problem giving a 20 tip.

Ken told Sharon that there was no to leave a tip. Sharon was shocked. Maybe didn't think the food was good or maybe wasn't happy with the service. This surprised Sharon Ken seemed to enjoy the entire experience and 't complain. "Was something wrong?" Sharon asked Ken. "No," answered. He explained that he felt tipping was an American way of showing off extra wealth. " think it's vulgar and disrespectful," he continued.

Sharon that Ken wasn't born in the United States wondered if that had something to do with Ken felt. "Well, in the United States, tipping kind of expected. Servers generally aren't paid that and rely on tips to feed their families. exception of course is if the service was bad, but I had a lovely time. Didn't ?" Sharon asked. "Service was great," Ken agreed, "but don't they just pay the servers better so don't have to pay more?" Sharon agreed with , but she still left a 20 percent tip.