142. Christopher the Reporter

When Christopher Lee was a young man, he a dream to become an English professor. He hard at this by first going to a college after high school before transferring to the of California, Los Angeles. At UCLA, Chris earned bachelor's degree in English, but he still needed Master's degree to teach at college. Chris met while taking a class at his old community . George was a news reporter, who told Chris much he enjoyed his job. Chris became very in his story.

It turned out George was an English major, but he turned to journalism he wanted to be published. George said to one day, "Chris, I've known lots of English who want to be published, but never got chance. In journalism, you can get published, and published often." Chris thought about his words and him how he became a journalist. George laughed said, "Start with Journalism 101."

Chris took his , and soon he fell in love with writing journalism style. Its short, precise method of writing to Chris. Journalists deal only in facts. It not like English writing. You don't paint pictures journalism; you report facts. There is a measure creativity involved with writing in a journalistic style, it is unlike English.

Soon, Chris earned his , and went on to earn his Master's degree journalism. He now works for a large, daily . He is very grateful to his old friend , who introduced him to journalism. He has now published more than 200 times. George changed the of Christopher's life.