Across: |
5. | People usually eat breakfast in the morning and dinner in the ___. |
7. | If you cut something in ___, you cut it in half. |
8. | Do you have a bike? Do you ___ it every day? Do you like to ___ it? |
10. | If you ride your bike on ___ roads, your bike will get ___y. (And so will you!) |
11. | Did someone use bolt ___ters to ___ his lock in two? |
12. | He had a brand ___ bike. He locked it up with a brand ___ lock. |
13. | Bicyclists should not ride their bikes on ___s. ___s are for people to walk on. |
15. | It's more difficult to ride a bike up a steep ___ than up a gradual ___. |
17. | Many buildings have bike ___s outside for riders to park or lock their bikes. |
18. | A. I like your brand new bike. How much did it ___? B. It was on sale. It only ___ $300. |
19. | Some car drivers try to run bike riders off the ___. They think the ___s are only for cars, not bikes. |
20. | A ___ bike has special tires and a strong frame for rough rides in the ___s. |