Across: |
3. | Michael Phelps is the greatest ___mer in the world. He ___s like a fish. |
5. | Lie on your back in the water, look up at the sky, ___ your arms and your legs, and you will float like a cork. |
6. | After a hard week at work, I'm going to enjoy my ___. I'll be at the beach Saturday and Sunday. |
8. | You can't lose ___ if you continue to eat too much. |
9. | I want to ___ one pound a week--is that possible? |
10. | The five salt water ___s on our planet cover 71% of the Earth's surface. |
12. | They say there are plenty of ___ in the sea, but they also say the ___ are disappearing from the oceans. |
14. | ___ I'm going to wash my car and go to the beach; Sunday I'm going to do my laundry and go to church. |
16. | A dead fish and a cork ___ in water. |
18. | Don't worry about accidents; ___ing in a plane is much safer than riding in a car. |
19. | The lifeguard got into the lifeguard ___ and drove it out to the middle of the lake. |
20. | You won't have ___ problems in the water if you just do as I say. |
21. | ___ the waves are only about a foot high; but we just had a big storm, so the waves are almost five feet high. |