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199. No Doggy Bag
She took her little dog for a walk.
was just a walk. Barker didn’t have to
. He had already pooped that morning. They walked
Moonbucks. People were sitting outside Moonbucks. People were
coffee. People were eating muffins. People were reading
. People were using their computers. It was a
, sunny day. Suddenly, Barker stopped. He squatted. He
on the sidewalk. He pooped in front of
. He pooped in public. “Barker! Shame on you!”
yelled. She ran into Moonbucks. She went into
bathroom. She grabbed a paper toilet seat cover.
went back outside. She picked up the poop
the paper toilet seat cover. She took the
back inside. She flushed it down the toilet.
asked the Moonbucks clerk for a large cup
hot water. She poured it on the brown
on the sidewalk.