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90. Tall Girls and Heels
Cloze Test
Susan was 5 feet and 10 inches tall.
was the tallest girl in her school. She
taller than a lot of guys, too. Susan
not like that she was so tall. She
she was of average height. People always stared
her and made comments. She also got a
of questions about her height. She was tired
the questions. She also did not like how
could not wear heels. She thinks heels are
, but she cannot wear them because she would
over 6 feet tall.
Ernest asked Susan to
dance. Ernest is 6 feet tall. He was
than her, so she said yes. A lot
guys avoided asking Susan out because she was
than them. It does not look good if
guy is shorter than the girl. Susan still
not wear high heels though because she would
taller than Ernest. When Susan went shopping with
friends, they shopped for heels and she shopped
A man tapped Susan on the shoulder. "
me, but have you ever thought of modeling?"
asked. Susan shook her head. "You should! You're
and beautiful! Also those black heels over there
look great on you" he said. He handed
his business card. Susan's friends encouraged her to
him back. They also encouraged her to buy
heels. Susan bought them and wore them to
. If Ernest had a problem with her height,
so be it.