42. The School Dress Code

Liberty High School decided to enforce a dress . Up until now everyone could wear whatever they . Students started taking advantage of this. Boys were their pants and wearing shirts with bad words them. Girls were showing their belly button and shorts that were too short. The principal made announcement about the dress code in the auditorium. the students were upset. "This is ridiculous!" someone . "Quiet down or else you will get detention," Baker said.

Principal Baker showed the students the . The girls had to wear a white collared with a red skirt. The boys had to a white polo shirt with red slacks. The and girls had to wear the same white , too. The students were disgusted. "If you have hair, you need to wear your hair up," Principal said. The girls were furious. "Piercings and are not allowed either," Principal Baker added. "What we already have a tattoo? I can't remove !" a student shouted. "That is fine. Just do best to hide it," Principal Baker said.

Principal thought everyone would be in uniform the next . Instead, everyone was protesting! Students were carrying signs said "No Uniforms!" and wearing inappropriate clothes. Principal called everyone into the auditorium. "I am demanding to call their parents to bring them their . If you do not do this, you will suspended," Principal Baker said. The students knew how a suspension looked on their records. They did Principal Baker demanded and wore their uniform every since.