13. Money Matters

Joseph and his wife Christina currently live in Francisco. Christina is pregnant. She is a makeup at the mall. She does not make too money, but the job makes her happy. Joseph an investment banker. He makes a good amount money, but does not like his job. He like he does the same thing every day like he is not making a difference. He does not like his co-workers. He feels like co-workers only care about money.

Back when Joseph in school, he dreamed of being a college . He liked teaching because he loved the feeling his students understood something. He also wanted to around people who loved to learn. He believed knowledge is power. Joseph wanted to quit his at the bank. Christina did not want him though.

"How are we going to afford to care of the baby?" she asked. "Maybe we give the baby to my brother and his for a couple of years," Joseph suggested. "That ridiculous! If we do that, then the baby pretty much theirs," she said. "Only for two ," Joseph said. "You need to think of the ," Christina said. "Why don't you get a higher job then?" Joseph asked. "It's not easy! You I didn't finish high school!" Christina said. This a sensitive topic for Christina. Joseph knew that stopped talking. Joseph stopped talking. He decided to with his job at the bank.