88. Pretty and Dumb

Aria was always the pretty girl at school. had voluminous, blonde, and curly hair. She was and thin. Because she was pretty, her classmates she was dumb. Aria was not the smartest , but she wasn't the dumbest either. She wanted prove people wrong by enrolling in Advanced Placement Literature. On the first day of class, people shocked to see her there. The teacher even that she was in the wrong class. Aria to show the teacher her class schedule.

The assigned the students a passage to read and . The teacher put them in groups of four. 's group just ignored Aria and analyzed the passage. tried to talk, but they kept ignoring her cutting her off. Being sick of the poor , Aria finally yelled, "I'm trying to talk here!" " wants to listen to you. What you have say is probably dumb anyways," one of her members said.

At the end of the class, told the teacher she was dropping. Ms. Sanchez , "Don't drop, because then you're proving them right. them you're capable of using your brain. Share thoughts out loud in class, and work on As on your essays." Ms. Sanchez was right. would never get rid of her "dumb" reputation she dropped the class.