77. Washing Dishes

Apartment 103 had a dish problem. The sink completely full of dirty dishes from two weeks . Nobody in the apartment wanted to wash their . Also no one remembered what dishes were theirs. was getting out of control. There were flies around the dishes, and there was even some growing on the dishes.

Everyone in the apartment that it was a problem, but no one to do anything about it. Dianne called all girls in the apartment into the living room. ", we need to do something about the dishes," said. "I don't have time to do any the dishes," Clary said. "We all don't have ," Dianne angrily said. "Why don't we just split the dishes in four? That way it's all ," Ella suggested. "But that's not fair, because some us don't use as many dishes as others," said.

There was a knock at the apartment . Clary opened it. It was their neighbor Eli. " couldn't help, but overheard your argument. I was maybe I could wash all your dishes for ," he said. The girls would have to pay each. They decided it was worth it. If washed it, none of them would have to with it.