50. The Homecoming Dance

Kyle and Benjamin were hanging out after school. " I'm going to the dance with Natasha," Benjamin said. "What?! I was going to ask her later today!" Kyle said. "What?! Well it's too . She already said yes to me," Benjamin said. was sad. He decided to ask Mary to dance instead. It was better for him to someone than no one at all.

At the , there were a DJ, a disco ball, food, school mascot, and pretty decorations. Everyone was having good time, except Benjamin, Kyle, Mary, and Natasha. and Natasha barely spoke to each other. Natasha thinking about Kyle, and Benjamin thought Natasha was too quiet. Kyle kept thinking about Natasha, and was mad that Kyle wasn't paying attention to .

"Give me a second, I'm going to see Ben is doing," Kyle said to Mary. Kyle over to Benjamin. "Hey where's Natasha?" Kyle asked. "'s in the bathroom," Benjamin said. "None of us happy right now. Why don't we switch dates?" suggested. "That would leave me and Mary unhappy," said. Kyle sighed. He knew Ben was right. homecoming dance was just going to be a night.