46. Friends Betrayal

Benjamin and Kyle are best friends. They met they were 10 years old. They were both the same swim class. They became the fastest in their class. They joined the swim team their high school. Even though they were great , Benjamin and Kyle had different personalities. Benjamin was smart. He had straight A's in all his , even the advanced ones. Kyle was street smart. knew how to get what he wanted.

Benjamin Kyle both wanted to be the swim team . However, there can only be one. Whoever got most votes would be the next captain. Kyle worried, because he knew that Benjamin was more than him. A lot of the other team thought Kyle was a bit mean. Kyle had plan though. The next day, he gathered up the swim team members except Benjamin to meet at the pool.

"Hey guys, I know you to vote for Benjamin, and I think he's great guy. The thing is, he would be terrible captain. He always puts school first. He rather study for a test than practice his strokes. I love swim and would put everything have into this team." Kyle knew what he was bad, but he wanted to be captain badly that he did not care.