33. Started From the Bottom

Right now, Eileen is a famous fashion designer. started from the bottom though. She was raised a single mother with five other siblings. There barely enough to eat. In fact, there were lot of days when she just ate an and a slice of bread. Eileen also lived a bad neighborhood, where hearing gunshots was normal.

didn't do well in school either. She had hard time focusing, and often fell asleep while teachers were talking. It was hard to think George Washington or the scientific theory when you personal problems. Because she didn't do well in and she needed money, Eileen didn't go to . She immediately worked at a clothing store as cashier.

Eileen would sketch designs during her break . One lucky day, the owner at the time her designs and was impressed. He offered Eileen position as a designer. Eileen worked for her for five years before starting her own company Bottomless. There are now Bottomless stores in over countries! Eileen has been on many talk shows about her rise to success.